CCTV Fund open for applications
Kaimai WardKatikati - Waihī Beach WardMaketu - Te Puke WardNewsApplications are now open for Western Bay of Plenty District Council’s CCTV Fund, with $50,000 available.
$820,000 cyclone recovery funding for Western Bay
Kaimai WardKatikati - Waihī Beach WardMaketu - Te Puke WardNewsSeveral weather-damaged Western Bay roads have been given a funding boost, after being allocated $820,000 from the government’s Cyclone Recovery Capability Fund.
Western Bay of Plenty District Council honours Māori wards decision
Kaimai WardKatikati - Waihī Beach WardMaketu - Te Puke WardNewsWestern Bay of Plenty District Council remains committed to establishing Māori wards and providing broader democratic representation.
New playground set to swing into action at Conway Road Reserve
Maketu - Te Puke WardNewsPaengaroa is getting a new playground, in the heart of the village, which tamariki will be able to access without having to cross the state highway.
Keep our pipes lean and clean
Kaimai WardKatikati - Waihī Beach WardMaketu - Te Puke WardNewsPeople are being urged to ‘think before you pour’ after an unusually high number of FOG (fat, oil and grease) blockages in Western Bay’s wastewater pipes.
Laura Rae sworn in as new councillor
Kaimai WardKatikati - Waihī Beach WardMaketu - Te Puke WardNewsLaura Rae has officially taken her seat as a Western Bay of Plenty District Councillor, after being sworn in at this month’s full council meeting.
The votes are in for Council by-elections
Kaimai WardKatikati - Waihī Beach WardMaketu - Te Puke WardNewsLaura Rae has been elected to the Western Bay of Plenty District Council as the Maketu-Te Puke Councillor, while Chris Dever has been elected to the Ōmokoroa Community Board.
Housing Action Plan aims to build a better future for all
Kaimai WardKatikati - Waihī Beach WardMaketu - Te Puke WardNewsMaking sure that all people are well housed throughout the different stages of life is a key focus in Western Bay of Plenty District Council’s refreshed Housing Action Plan 2024.
Parking camera trial in Katikati and Te Puke
Kaimai WardKatikati - Waihī Beach WardMaketu - Te Puke WardNewsRoving parking cameras are being trialed in Katikati and Te Puke, to see if they would be of benefit to the Western Bay District.
Te Puke ‘walks the talk’ for the Spatial Plan
Maketu - Te Puke WardNewsThanks for all your feedback, Te Puke! Our consultation on the Te Puke Spatial Plan has now finished.
$140,000 up for grabs for community projects
Kaimai WardKatikati - Waihī Beach WardMaketu - Te Puke WardNewsThe Western Bay of Plenty District Council’s Community Matching Fund is now open, with $140,000 available to help fund projects that make a difference across the rohe.
Prole Road detour as works enter new phase
Kaimai WardKatikati - Waihī Beach WardMaketu - Te Puke WardNewsThe next phase of the $23 million Prole Rd upgrade will soon begin, with a detour at the Prole Road and Ōmokoroa Road intersection likely to be in place until the end of the year.
Voting for vacant Western Bay seats now open
Kaimai WardMaketu - Te Puke WardNewsVoting is now open to decide who will fill Western Bay of Plenty District Council’s vacant Maketu-Te Puke Councillor, and Ōmokoroa Community Board seats.
Hundreds join kōrero on Long Term Plan
Kaimai WardKatikati - Waihī Beach WardMaketu - Te Puke WardNewsThanks for putting yourselves in the picture Western Bay. Consultation on our Long Term Plan 2024 - 2034 has now closed.
Matariki festivities light up the Western Bay
Kaimai WardKatikati - Waihī Beach WardMaketu - Te Puke WardNewsStarry nights ahead!
Dog registrations are due… make your pooch fetching in blue
Kaimai WardKatikati - Waihī Beach WardMaketu - Te Puke WardNewsDog registration fees are now due in the Western Bay, with the colour of tags switching over from yellow to blue for the 2024/25 year.
Proposed change to town centre development funding
Kaimai WardKatikati - Waihī Beach WardMaketu - Te Puke WardNewsA rate collected for town centre development in Waihī Beach, Katikati, Ōmokoroa and Te Puke could be replaced with a system that covers the whole Western Bay of Plenty District.
Roading rate may increase for some properties
Kaimai WardKatikati - Waihī Beach WardMaketu - Te Puke WardNewsProperties in commercial/industrial and post-harvest zones in the Western Bay may have to contribute a bigger share to road maintenance costs in the future.
Pukehina Development Rate's future considered
Maketu - Te Puke WardNewsCommunity projects in Pukehina could get a boost, if money previously collected for a future wastewater scheme is repurposed.
Should we spend less on some roading and walkway/cycleway projects?
Kaimai WardKatikati - Waihī Beach WardMaketu - Te Puke WardNewsWe're looking at delaying some cycleway, walkway, gravel road seal extensions, public transport infrastructure and minor road improvements to help reduce the financial impact on ratepayers.